Important Message Regarding Accidental 911 Calls
DUKES COUNTY - The Dukes County Sheriff’s Office (DSCO), along with other members of the Martha’s Vineyard Law Enforcement Council (MVLEC), have created and released a Public Service Announcement video to promote awareness of the prevalence and impact of accidental 911 calls, and to provide education around prevention methods. Following a dramatic increase in misdials and hang-ups to Dukes County Sheriff’s Office Regional Communications Center, which processes all 911 calls for the island of Martha’s Vineyard, local law enforcement asks the residents and visitors of our community to consider taking precautionary measures. Accidental calls to 911 are burdensome on our Law Enforcement agencies, taking time away from true emergencies and tying up resources; particularly during the busy summer season.
In the approximately two minute video, Major Schofield of the Dukes County Sheriff’s Regional Communications Center cites recent technology as one reason for the increase in the already significant daily accidental call volume. Major Schofield is joined by Chief Belain of the Aquinnah Police Department, Chief Saloio of the Tisbury Police Department, Chief Mincone of the West Tisbury Police Department, Officer Rogers of the West Tisbury Police Department, and Special Officer Hampson of the Edgartown Police Department in sharing options to prevent an accidental call to 911 from a cell phone, and how to handle an accidental call when it does happen. Suggestions include locking cell phones when not in use, stowing away locked phones and smart watches to keep out of reach out children and prevent triggering automatic dialing upon impact, shutting off autodial features and remaining on the line in the event of an accidental call. The video also includes a technological tutorial, in which Dukes County Sheriff’s Deputy Gould demonstrates how to turn off the autodial feature on an iPhone.
The video, hosted on Youtube, has been shared through Martha’s Vineyard Law Enforcement Council’s individual office and department social media sites, and is broadcasted at regular intervals on MVTV. The Dukes County Sheriff would like to thank all who have viewed, shared and broadcasted this shared message, and encourages residents and visitors to take steps to prevent accidental calls: “Accidents happen, we all make mistakes; however, we can each choose to be part of the solution by taking steps to prevent accidental 911 calls.”
The “PSA 911Accidental Calls” Public Service Announcement video may be viewed via this link: .
For more information please contact the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office at 508-696-0808.