Public Records Requests
Public Records Requests
The Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. Chapter 66 & Chapter 4, Section 7(26)) provides that every person has a right to access public information.
In order to assist members of the public with accessing public records in the custody of the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office, the following guidelines are provided:
Requests for public records should be directed to the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office’s Records Access Officer. The Records Access Officer can be contacted at:
Special Sheriff James D. Neville
Dukes County Sheriff's Office
Mailing: PO Box 252, Edgartown, MA 02539
Physical: 149 Main Street, Edgartown, MA 02539
Phone: 508-627-5173
Fax: 508-627-8496
Requests Specific to the Communication Center, Please Email:
All Other Requests, Please Email:
Email: Although not required, requests for public records should be submitted in writing in order to ensure the DCSO can accurately and completely respond to your request.
· A request for public records should include a reasonable description of specific records being requested.
· Under some circumstances the DCSO may assess a reasonable fee for the production of public records.
For additional information regarding public records requests, please refer to the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Record Request Guidelines.