DCSO Offers Technology-Forward Meaningful Rehabilitative Programming
Did you know? Studies have found that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have a 43 percent lower odds of recidivating than those who do not.*
The Dukes County Sheriff’s Office offers inmates at the Jail and House of Correction the unique opportunity to utilize an up and coming evidence-based programming technology: Edovo tablets. These interactive tablets provide inmates with the ability to access educational, vocational, and social-emotional learning & rehabilitation content. Inmates are able to access courses that carry college credits, study for GED/Hi-Set exams, take language-learning courses and even complete interview skill-building courses. For time spent invested in educational content, an Edovo user can earn recreational content such as approved music or video.
Bob Moore, DCSO's Inmate Education Coordinator, uses his years of experience as an educator to inform the work he does with DCSO inmates; “I like when I see that someone is learning more about Domestic Violence; about Anger Management, Meditation or the 12-Step Program. It is wonderful to have insight into what [inmates] are thinking about in preparation for their return to the community. To know that they care about doing better.” As one of only two Correctional Facilities in Massachusetts to offer this, we are proud to provide meaningful rehabilitative programming to people who are incarcerated at the Dukes County Jail and House of Correction.
*Davis, Lois M., Robert Bozick, Jennifer L. Steele, Jessica Saunders, and Jeremy N. V. Miles, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education: A Meta-Analysis of Programs That Provide Education to Incarcerated Adults. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2013. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR266.html